
Holy Rosary

595 3rd St. NW 20001

In the vicinity of

National Building Museum, Police Memorial, U.S. & D.C. Courts

Nearby Metro Station(s)

Judiciary Square (Red)

Weekday Mass Schedule

Mon - Sat.: 12:05 pm

Holy Day Schedule

See Holy Rosary web site .

Confession Schedule

Priest available before or after Mass or by appointment

Other Devotions

Sunday Mass Schedule

9:00 am (English), 10:30 am (Italian), 12:00 pm (English)

Special Events

Daily Mass in Downtown Washington DC Main Page Faith & Culture Without The Baloney

All artwork, photos and commentary are copyright 2009, 2016 by Neal J. Conway

Holy Rosary

Run by the Missionaries of St, Charles ("Scalabrinians"), Holy Rosary is the only parish in downtown DC that still retains its original ethnic identity: Italian. Attached to it is Casa Italiana, styled "The Littlest Italy," a cultural center with doors guarded by marble statues of Dante, Michaelangelo, Verdi and Marconi. The center offers Italian lessons. After Sunday Mass, there is an espresso and cappucino hour.

Holy Rosary